There are many benefits you’ll walk away with when you invest in business mindset coaching from confidence to clarity. But, even when we know these things logically, it still isn’t enough to understand how it could benefit you.
Today, I’m sharing a first hand experience from a past one on one coaching client, Elisa, in hopes that you can see yourself in her story and how business mindset coaching could benefit you, too. She’s sharing the the three benefits of business mindset coaching she experienced.

Elisa’s Business Mindset Coaching Experience
She shares, “I made the DECISION to level up my business… Here’s what happened.
In Fall of 2021 I was at a crossroads:
I was four years into my Sponsorship Marketing business, which was doing well, but wasn’t where I wanted it to be. Being a new Mother to my then 4-month old, Olivia, I was navigating the great balancing act of motherhood and entrepreneurship. Although I was making it work, I was exhausted, burned out, and lacking fulfillment. Deep down I knew that I was not doing my heart’s work. This was continuously magnified as I dedicated precious hours towards my business and away from my daughter.
Ready To Make a Change
I knew I desperately needed to make a change but I had no idea where to begin. I figured business coaching would help me get my ducks in a row, but I was terrified to invest in the support – what if it didn’t work? What if I made baby steps only to self-sabotage in the end (something I’m a pro at)?
I reached out to Tracey Jazmin just to get the conversation started. I knew within minutes of speaking with her that I had found exactly what I needed — Business Mindset Coaching. It was the clarity and strategy on how to make the change I was looking for, but even more than this I needed the mindset shift to actually create it …and sustain it!
I realized immediately that her approach was different from the other coaches I had spoken to in the past. She coached me through making the decision to invest in myself by myself. She empowered me to see that the decision to create change was in my own hands, and she did this over a DM!
I thought, ”What kind of magic could we create if we actually sat down and worked together?”
Well, let me tell you…
In the 6 months I worked with Tracey here’s what I created:
Clarity: I decided what I wanted
Commitment to myself: I figured out the woman I needed to become to create the change I desired
Change: I’ve started to become the woman who achieves her goals
Allow me to elaborate…
Creating the Clarity
I started my coaching with Tracey in January with equal parts excitement and confusion. I knew I wanted to coach women in business to tap into their confidence, but I wasn’t exactly sure what that would look like or how I would do that. We dug into the ways I wanted to create impact and what was truly on my heart. She helped me discover the ways I was holding myself back, and released them using her NLP techniques.
Within the first month I had my first massive breakthrough: I decided I was ready to become a Communication Coach for women in business. I wanted to help them learn to communicate with greater clarity and confidence. As I reflect on it now, I don’t know how it took me so long to see it. It makes so much sense for me! It was one of the biggest aha! moments I’ve ever experienced. I truly believe that the only reason I couldn’t see it before was because my limiting beliefs were not allowing me to. The clarity I received was exactly what I needed to kick start my new business.
Creating the Commitment to Myself
Once I decided on becoming a communication coach for women in business, I quickly realized I had a LOT of work to do to start stepping into this woman. This is always the most challenging part of any transformation because it requires coming face-to-face with my negative beliefs, my old patterns and habits, and actively changing them.
This is also where I felt the MOST supported by Tracey. She held space for me to be open and vulnerable and to work through the past trauma that was responsible for my current limiting beliefs. She checked in regularly and continuously reminded me of the woman I’m working toward becoming. And when my self-sabotaging behaviors crept in, she challenged me to recognize them and take action despite them. This is one of the most valuable parts of hiring a coach, in my opinion. They see your blind spots for you, and hold you accountable to push past the discomfort for the sake of your future self!
With consistency and positive, productive habits, I’ve created a commitment to becoming the future version of myself. I work towards her every single day and now 7 months later, I barely question the woman I am becoming (of course we all have our days of self doubt). The repetition, the habit, and the focus has created a new belief and a new energy. Sometimes I don’t even recognize the girl I was just a few short months ago.
Creating the Change
I originally set a goal that I was going to start trying to coach women by the end of December 2022. I gave myself 1 year from when I started working with Tracey to create the change I wanted. But, as Tracey reminded me often, time is only an illusion. Clarity and commitment to yourself, as well as taking messy, imperfect, inspired action, will get you on the fast track toward your goals. And that’s exactly what I did with Tracey’s support.
By April 1st… at the end of our first 3 months together…I signed my first coaching client.
In addition to this, I was registered for my communication coaching certification program and launched an 8-week beta program to begin testing out my coaching methods and gaining interest.
As I write this today, it’s the end of July… 7 months since I first started working with Tracey.
- have had 3 coaching clients
- am 2 months away from being a certified communication coach,
- have rebranded my business and started consistently marketing myself as a communication coach
- have created my coaching offers including 1:1 coaching, corporate training, workshops and education
- am ready to work with women in leadership who are ready to create more impact and influence with their communication
Reflection: Benefits of Business Mindset Coaching
When I look back on the business I desired and the woman I was longing to be at the beginning of 2022, I am in AWE of what I have been able to shift and create in such a short amount of time. I still have a lot of work ahead of me, but the energy and the belief I operate from now is a force to be reckoned with, and I have nothing but excitement for what Future Elisa will continue to create.
I share this story to demonstrate the POWER that we hold within us and how investing in the right coach can play a massive role in bringing that power forward. Whether you need to awaken the voice within you through communication coaching, elevate your mindset through mindset coaching, or whatever you need to support you in realizing your own power – there’s a coach out there for you, and I encourage you discover what you need and INVEST in YOURSELF, because you are very much worth it.
As for me, I’m just getting started… and Tracey knows she’s gained a client for life.”
– Elisa P., Business Communication Coach
If you’re interested in learning how business mindset coaching could benefit you and your business, hop over here to learn more. If you’re ready to take action you can also book a complimentary 30 minute breakthrough call.